Weather in Rome Italy.

The diagrams below show the current weather in Rome Italy plus a 4 day weather forecast for Rome Italy. Temperatures are in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. The "real feel" includes the wind chill factor.

Weather in Rome Italy: Celsius

4 day weather forecast for Rome Italy

Weather in Rome Italy: Fahrenheit

4 day weather forecast for Rome Italy

Current time in Rome Italy

Information is updated on an hourly basis. Data is received from the weather station at Fiumicino Airport.

Weather in Rome Italy:
Longest day, shortest day and daylight saving.

The shortest day of the year (the Winter Solstice) in Rome, occurs between the 20th and 23rd of December each year. There are 9 hours of daylight. Sunset is at roughly 5:13Pm and Sunrise at roughly 7:00Am.

The longest day of the year (the Summer Solstice) in Rome falls between the 20th and 23rd of June. There are 15 hours of daylight. Sunset is at roughly 9:23Pm and Sunrise at roughly 5:00Am.

The hour of daylight saving in Rome occurs at the end of March where clocks are set one hour forward and again at the end of October where clocks are returned to normal.

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